Du 05 novembre au 07 décembre 2008

Vernissage le 05 novembre 2008 à 20h

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I have started my new wanderings a year ago in the Balkans. My work focus on people whose lives changed radically and irreversibly after the major political changes that happened at the end of the 20th century.

I am trying to reveal the hidden and undiscovered changes that go on the urban and rural areas of Bulgaria, Albania, and the other Balkan countries. People trying to catch up with their sudden touch with the “western civilization” mainly expressed through their relationship with Greece. People form these countries are cheap workers throughout rural areas and cities of Greece. Their awry image of western life mixes up with relics from their socialistic past, ending up to some unexpected pictures. The forcible change on political, social and economical situation and the transitional phase of these countries are a huge source for social and political photographing statements.

My major concern is not only the documentation of the strenuous changes in the man-made environment but also the social changes that come up as part of the coherence man-environment.My major concern is not only the documentation of the strenuous changes in the man-made environment but also the social changes that come up as part of the coherence man-environment.

In that turbulence of the often and unexpected transformations people are loosing their moral base, their correlation on the social and spacious spectrum change on an unforeseen way. The course of these changes usually not incorporating in their planning the low income people, and the consequences are pictured with inexorable squareness in the photos.

Fondation Hellénique 47B Bd Jourdan 75014 Paris, 01 58 10 21 00/22 20/22 30/ fondation.hellenique.adm@wanadoo.fr